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Hey, so like... I know these are just game assets, but uh... They're also, like, just good music anyways? Have you considered making a Spotify so people can just listen to the music itself alongside other electronic and atmospheric music?

Thank you for your comment ! Well i have a lot of music accounts like YT music, Deezer, Spotify through my LandR account. But the problem is mostly the ID content stuff. And i don't want my customers to get flagged too often if they make videos on YT, movies or games using the assets for exemple. This happened before... You can find me as Retrocade 84 or Fabien Castex on Spotify where you will find an ambient cyberpunk album unrealeased on  If you like ambient,on itch, give a try to my other assets like Cyberscape, Corpo, Mothership, Meditative Soundscape or Anemoia... Cheers !

Fantastic atmosphere, I love these tracks. Any chance you have their loop start/stop times noted down anywhere?

Hi @hunterloftis, I'll check that this WE, stay tuned.

Awesome thanks, looking forward to it!

Hi ! Sorry for the delay. I had so many things to do, so i made the loop anchors for the first 6 songs, I'll finish the whole in a few days. As they are not intended to be looped, i did it manually

So for 1 : 0.0.0 - 05.36.05 (mn/sec/msec)

2 : 0:41:24 - 5:34:05

3 : 1.00.02 - 3.26.22

4 : 0.27.47 - 2.19.92

5 : 0.12.92 - 2.56.62

6 : 0.01.27 - 2.59.75

Stay tuned ! 

Hey thanks for putting this together!

I was wondering, would it still be possible to have the older Cybertracks Vol. 3 'Vangelist' version? I think the versions are sufficiently different to justify having access to both on your page. Just a thought.

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There you go ! 

Free Cyberpunk Music CYBER TRACKS V.3 "VANGELIST" part 1 - Original release by RUSTED MUSIC STUDIO (

Thank you! :)

You are welcome Edsan Games !

I will use this in my Hotline Miami inspired game They’re goood asfuck!

Thanks, enjoy them in your game ! 

This is sooooo goooood! I'm just listening over and over again while I write! Superb mix, Fabien. If I can advance far enough in a new jam project I started, I'm def going to purchase and dl it for use. ~ hoping ~

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Thank you ! :)  I tried to use as many as known analog synths Vangelis used in Blade Runner OST, thanks to Arturia. 

Found a nice plate reverb...  

Analog has a deep warm feeling. I love analog. Good to chill, good to code, to work...

You can try CYBERSCAPES and the ATMOS serie  ( both free ) for your project : many tracks fit well, as background, with the mood of VANGELIST.Some CORPO tracks too.

You can download VANGELIST for free though if you want it on an ipod or something. Just click on "no, thanks". You can donate later if you want.

Good luck with your project !


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I love that first track. Jump scare time :)

(I can definitely feel those indie dev blues, lol.)


Thanks @otakuchama !